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  1. M

    Finally got my Degiro account approved - need advice on planning my finances as an Indian living in AUT

    @lovegod033 Am I reading that correct as you're invested in 75 different funds at the same time? Seventy-fucking-five funds? With a total of less than 12k €? Why?
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    Building my long term ETF portfolio

    @amichan That's of course possible but you're covering (almost) the whole market with IWDA + EMIM (or EIMI to include EM Small Caps) already. Adding more ETFs won't give you a wider diversified portfolio but just focus it on what you'd add as satellites. "Ignoring the rest of the market"...
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    Building my long term ETF portfolio

    @danielson0101 How can someone ignore the market when they invest in worldwide diversified funds instead of niche products? Isn't the one investing in single sectors the one who's ignoring the market?
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    [Q] 3-4 funds vs 2 funds portfolio compound interest returns

    @jess1975 Simple math: (a+b)*x = a*x + b*x In terms of compounding it doesn’t matter how much your investments are split into several funds.
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    How to boost your earnings from stocks and ETFs: my research on modified dollar-cost averaging

    @hummel2 You could just lump sum everything with one saving plan execution and stop it afterwards.