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  1. S

    L&H or P&C?

    @jukes yes that’s what I’ve read. and my “short term” is like I said at least 3 years so I think going into insurance in general should be okay. just not something I want as a career
  2. S

    L&H or P&C?

    @jukes I just read that L&H is better for short term and you gain money faster, but P&C might be better for my career if I put it on my resume but also has higher risk-reward which is why I’m conflicted between the two
  3. S

    L&H or P&C?

    Hi all. A little background about me first. I’ve graduated with a degree in Psychology and WGST as well as a minor in communications, with a desire to go into something like HR or Diversity and Equity. However I am not looking to enter into my field unless I start working on my degree. So...
  4. S

    L&H or P&C?

    @aletia oh really? how so? I thought P&C would be better for that since it involves dealing with businesses..
  5. S

    L&H or P&C?

    Hi all. A little background about me first. I’ve graduated with a degree in Psychology and WGST as well as a minor in communications, with a desire to go into something like HR or Diversity and Equity. However I am not looking to enter into my field unless I start working on my degree. So...