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  1. P

    ASHP and Solar PV, are they worth it? - my experience and data

    @ghaynes Ah ok! Yeah that was a head-scratcher for me too. We have induction hobs and electric showers so I was concerned that one small battery would just trip out as soon as we drew a lot of power, which would defeat the purpose a bit. The non-brandname ones were often a really piffling...
  2. P

    ASHP and Solar PV, are they worth it? - my experience and data

    @ghaynes Yeah absolutely. To be honest even if it did take 10 years to break even and then immedaitely broke, I'd have had intangible benefit from the self-reliance, cushioning from price rises and also the geekery of it. It's a lesson learned for me. By the time the data is there that proves...
  3. P

    ASHP and Solar PV, are they worth it? - my experience and data

    @ghaynes Excellent write up. I looked into a similar setup a couple of years back, and again recently with energy price rises. I think one of my key takeaways is that PV, ASHP and a battery all appear to be underwhelming investments on their own, but as a system they deliver a benefit that's...
  4. P

    With the BoE expecting inflation to reach >7% what are the best options when you may need the cash in the short term (1.5-3 years)?

    @vickig Yeah I mean that's why I added a bit of a disclaimer at the start. I agree with all your points (and hey, I'm big into crypto too!). So I think we agree on the facts, it's maybe just a matter of character whether you'd invest it or not under those circumstances.
  5. P

    With the BoE expecting inflation to reach >7% what are the best options when you may need the cash in the short term (1.5-3 years)?

    @amazingayla Yeah I don't wanna push you towards something that's not right for you. But my attitude is this: A 7%pa loss on a diversified stocks and shares account would feel pretty rough, but that's what's happening to your cash right now. So if you kept the cash in a current account, you...
  6. P

    With the BoE expecting inflation to reach >7% what are the best options when you may need the cash in the short term (1.5-3 years)?

    @amazingayla I'm in a similar position, got it in a next-day savings pot with Monzo. Very low interest rate but with a large sum of money it's worth setting up. The problem is that a) you can't really afford to lose any of it, which means low risk and b) it's a short timeframe. That really...