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  1. K

    30-40k all in Disney stock what do I do?

    @saskia ARM loans can be scary since you don’t control the rate. As long as you keep 3-6months of expenses in an HYSA growing at 5% (today) for your emergency fund (I would stick closer to the 6month end Incase the rate goes up and you have trouble cash flowing) Other than that I would try to...
  2. K

    30-40k all in Disney stock what do I do?

    @saskia I’m just curious 🧐 What’s the new mortgage rate? I’ve outgrown my house and with our next kid within a couple years I won’t have enough bedrooms! But I don’t have cash sitting around for a 20% down payment and also be able to cash flow a 12% rate… (last I checked few months back)
  3. K

    30-40k all in Disney stock what do I do?

    @saskia Keep in mind don’t put too much into 529. Min 15years in the dependents name before able to move without penalty and also there is a limit I think 30k if not used for school. You didn’t say anything about debt, if any over 4% pay them off first then keep up with the childcare (my...
  4. K

    30-40k all in Disney stock what do I do?

    @saskia Take ~ 20% of your income for investments for your future. It’s good to be diversified so if you have a small percentage of that 20% in one stock like Disney it’s not the end of the world, but if it’s a high percentage of your portfolio I’d be cautious and either sell (if you have...
  5. K

    30-40k all in Disney stock what do I do?

    @newlove OP said he had a job this year, you have up to tax time to contribute for the year…. am I wrong?
  6. K

    30-40k all in Disney stock what do I do?

    @newlove More than one kind of Roth/ IRA Payroll deduction 401k roth max contribution is like ~$22,400/yr And you can just open any Roth IRA and contribute another $6500/yr