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  1. J

    Q: Working for Dutch company, resident in France. Any experience with TFE?

    @bshroats5 Thanks for your reply. If I want to stay employed with my current employer for a longer period of time it seems like contracting/EOR is not sustainable and can cause some issues along the way. Just a PSA that registering as a TFE (foreign company) and working with a payroll company in...
  2. J

    Q: Working for Dutch company, resident in France. Any experience with TFE?

    @nathanh83 Thanks! Was hoping to avoid freelance but might be the most feasible indeed.
  3. J

    Q: Working for Dutch company, resident in France. Any experience with TFE?

    Hello, hope this is ok to ask here. I'm an EU citizen and am currently working for a Dutch organisation on a permanent contract and living in The Netherlands. Next month I am relocating to France and plan on living there. My Dutch employer is willing to keep me on my current contract but as...