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  1. M

    All-World Portfolios - 4 practical examples

    @jrchristian You've given me too much useful information. Thank you very much! Today I've learnt a lot. VWCE has an average (3 years) TD of 0,03%. Considering FTSE index taxed that way, VWCE must be even close to the index! Now I don't know what portfolio to prefer. Should I sacrifice the...
  2. M

    All-World Portfolios - 4 practical examples

    @jrchristian Very interesting. I tried to update the document by adding Tracking Differences. Now should comparing the portfolios by the weighted average of TDs be better? Or am I doing something wrong? And should I look for a TD closer to 0 for the long run (doesn't matter if positive or...
  3. M

    All-World Portfolios - 4 practical examples

    @jrchristian Wow! Thank you very much for this answer. I updated the document with transaction costs from KIDs. Later I'm going to read better what you wrote about tracking differences after fees. Very useful. Also found SWRD instead SWDA. Is there a difference that justifies the 0,08% TER gap?
  4. M

    All-World Portfolios - 4 practical examples

    @janetmal Thank you for the accurate answer. I would use that ETF for Asia Pacific, but I don't find it on justetf. I find it only with Distributing. Yes, Portfolio 2 and 3 are for a better control if I don't want to follow the exact market capitalization. I can also add small cap in Portfolio...
  5. M

    Equally Weighted VS Value Weighted

    A new video by Paolo Coletti (an italian professor) shows some data about an equally and a value weighted portfolio. In the video description you can find the Python file + data used. Here there are ETF world performances in 10 years (equally VS value VS equally rebalanced yearly). Here ETF...
  6. M

    All-World Portfolios - 4 practical examples

    Here a google doc with some All-World portfolio examples. Do you have comments, suggestions or critics? What would you choose? Thank you. Portfolio 1: It's a "homemade" All-World ETF + small cap of Emerging Markets. Here in Italy, a bank lets you buy ETFs without any transaction cost if you are...