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  1. S

    Liechtenstein investment tips

    @tobiahjude99 I saw your edits! And I appreciate your time and effort! A final question(if you would be willing to answer) and I'll wish you a happy weekend: So would the VT recommendation that's been "going around" in this sub not apply in my case? And what about VWRL? Since VWRL yields more...
  2. S

    Liechtenstein investment tips

    @tobiahjude99 Hoi , I really appreciate your answer. So if I understood this correctly summing everything you wrote up: 1)Don't "jump" on the America hype(the bubble will sometime "burst" leaving you much more exposed than with a World ETF) 2)Continue with the VWCE(seeing as it's not a US...
  3. S

    Liechtenstein investment tips

    Hoi zemma :) , I'm a half Liechtensteiner/half European person that's been living in Liechtenstein for the past 4 years. Since there is no dedicated "LiechtensteinPersonalFinance" subreddit I thought I'd ask here(since as we all know Liechtenstein = Schweiz or is pretty close to it at least...