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  1. J

    (late 30s) Possibly living off some early retirement money for a while, need someone to double check the math for me real quick.

    @leira Thank you so much. I’m weighing all my options so I’m taking all the advice I can get, I really appreciate it.
  2. J

    (late 30s) Possibly living off some early retirement money for a while, need someone to double check the math for me real quick.

    @leira Thanks for taking the time to answer this. I was planning on putting the max amount (I believe around 20k) back into my 401k once I become an RT for a year or so to minimize the damage (somewhat). It seems the only other option is private student loans and that honestly sounds much...
  3. J

    (late 30s) Possibly living off some early retirement money for a while, need someone to double check the math for me real quick.

    I got some money saved up for retirement, I'm currently in a two program to become an respiratory therapist, they make around 70-90K where I live. I was planning on living off my retirement for 3 years and getting a small short hour job on the side (for health insurance) while I pass the program...