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    Looking for a nice life insurance

    @enddayshappy Normally you insure yourself against a risk. That risk would have a term and a value. Sometimes the value would also decrease the closer you get to term. If you want to insure yourself against death, in perpetuity, insurances are usually not good products. You're better investing...
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    Trying to figure total cost of loan

    @victoria37 I understand that. That's less than half my annual income, tho, so I think I have more chance to get rejected because my name doesn't fit their 9 characters limit.
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    Trying to figure total cost of loan

    @subaru17 I've never heard of Nomura as a brokerage. Is it usable or does it look like Daiwa and the many things not handled by the hostile interface require long phone calls?
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    Trying to figure total cost of loan

    @subaru17 Makes sense! I'm not used to calculating compounding in that direction, thanks! I can pay the 1.6M cash right now but would rather not, given the future cost of today's money compared to, well, today's cost of future money. No way I'm borrowing anything above 2%. 1.9% is well below...
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    Trying to figure total cost of loan

    @subaru17 Thanks a lot for the explanation! It's much clearer now!
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    Trying to figure total cost of loan

    @subaru17 A secured loan such as a mortgage isn't very risky for a bank since it's collateralized by your property, so the cost of borrowing being double, for the same interest rate, than an unsecured "free" loan makes little sense to me still, I'm afraid.
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    Trying to figure total cost of loan

    @subaru17 Curious as to why it's different for mortgages? I borrowed 68.8M on a "flat 35" home loan at 0.775%, and the monthly repayments are 213K. That makes the total repayment about 90M, or 68.8M x pow(1.00775, 35). So it seems that in the case of a mortgage, the interest is always on the...
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    Trying to figure total cost of loan

    I'm running a free loan simulation at Bank of Yokohama using Input お借入額       10,000,000円 ボーナス返済     なし ご返済期間      10年 適用金利       14.6%* Ouput 毎月のご返済額    91,566円 ボーナス月のご返済額 91,566円 返済総額       10,987,920円 保証料        0円...
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    2022 Annual Report

    @kristhuy Reddit says this sub was "created Jan 22, 2018". How was 2022 its second year? 🤔
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    2022 Annual Report

    @kristhuy Thank you @kristhuy for always being so knowledgeable, helpful and generous with your time! Also to @rogueebear and @brad0037, who also answered some of the stupid questions I posted in the off-topic threads last year.
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    Choosing a mortgage in ideal situations

    @preciousklay I remember I was recommended not to use internet banks, although I don't remember the exact reason why. They all have rates that are cheaper than real banks but there was a gotcha.