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  1. F

    Am I being paid properly?

    @dhebi If you just got the raise to $42k a couple months ago, then I would wait until at least January to ask for another one. 5% is on the high end but still doable. Stick between 3-4%. Our starting salary is $35k with a 3% if we’re lucky raise. With Covid, our renewals haven’t been hurt...
  2. F

    Am I being paid properly?

    I will also add, when I started 18 years ago, my starting wage was $25k.
  3. F

    Am I being paid properly?

    @dhebi I do what you do and have for the last 18 years. While my salary is definitely higher, the new employees that come in to do the same thing make less than you do. I would ask for a raise, but $60k after 1 year is a leap. Part of it is also the mom/pop shop. Before we were bought out...