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    [G&M] Vanguard launches ‘one-ticket solution’ ETFs

    @shetel I find this highly unlikely to happen. Right now Vanguard Canada has basically zero customer service reps to handle individual investors. And that saves them a lot of money. No matter how simple a brokerage you create, you are still going to need to hire a significant number of...
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    Having trouble building PWL Dimensional model portfolio using Passiv & QuesTrade

    @finallytrulyalive Three hours ago you were looking for help on how to buy XGRO. Now you want break your portfolio into 14 pieces. Have you considered slowing down? Maybe just stick with XGRO for a few years? . And I'm not 100% certain but I thought Dimensional funds were only available from...
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    [G&M] Vanguard launches ‘one-ticket solution’ ETFs

    @hawleyray Vanguard Canada has now added these funds to their website. For those looking for how the funds are broken down into their parts, you can look at the Fact Sheet pdf in the right hand column of each fund's webpage...
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    G&M: RRSPs are getting a bum rap as a tax trap

    @robertdlindstrom But if you're collecting GIS you are likely not living on much during retirement. Many people are fine with that, but it's not going to work for everyone. As a quick example, say you are making $75,000 a year. If you don't have a pension plan and are going to avoid RRSPs...
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    Sunlife financial pension plan help

    @spruikah Are you aware that this is a Canadian equity fund? (It's not an S&P 500 index fund, if that's what you think it is). So you're considering investing 100% in Canadian equity. Sunlife has likely provided you with a tool to determine your risk tolerance and provide a recommend...
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    HELP: Med School Student (D.O.) No Cosigner

    @doubtfulguy I'm not saying I think it's not impossible. I expect it impossible. But I'm not 100% certain of this and just wanted to make that clear.
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    HELP: Med School Student (D.O.) No Cosigner

    @doubtfulguy Normally banks do require cosigners for students studying outside of Canada. There is just too much risk that after you finish you may choose to stay in the other country and ignore the debt. So the banks have the cosigner as back up. I'm not going to say it's impossible without...
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    Sunlife financial pension plan help

    @spruikah Where are you seeing the fees? The fees in group plans are negotiated between the employer and the financial institution. So different group plans may have different fees for the same fund. Usually you'll be given a website you can log in to to see the fees for your particular plan...
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    6% 1yr fixed GIC at TD

    @reborn8265 GIC rates are negotiable at the big banks, especially if you have a lot of money. With that being said, 6% does seem quite high.
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    G&M: RRSPs are getting a bum rap as a tax trap

    @rainbowdreamer If you look at the past 20 years of federal brackets, there hasn't been a huge amount of change. There has been some minor increases both up and down, but nothing that dramatic.
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    Canadian Couch Potato Method With Manulife

    @nearu What you're planning seems fine. Although if you are only investing $1000/year it may not be worth the hassle of transferring the funds every year. Especially if you are charged a transfer fee.