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  1. A

    Who makes the policies for insurance companies?

    @aklil I don't drink like that but I do drink from time to time.... Like twice a month.... I am a smoker (trying to quit though) I just kind of figured it would fall under the smoking rating which I already was prepared for cause I smoke lol I guess I just don't see how it's not a blanket policy...
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    Who makes the policies for insurance companies?

    @gigiloveslife Oh I see. I didn't mean they don't care I am sure I worded myself wrong there. I meant no one is asking me how many drinks I have a day or how many cigarettes I smoke.... both of which will kill you. I was just wondering if there is.... forgive my layman terms here.... a grand...
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    Who makes the policies for insurance companies?

    I'm gonna try to keep this short. I recently applied for life insurance and I've had it before but this time I am a pretty heavy marijuana user. It's legal where I am and I use it for a variety of medical stuff sleep being the major one and I don't have a medical card. Well they turned me down...