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    [Colorado] Being told if I request now I shut my claim down, but was told I had to or I’ll have a delay in payments?

    @lngrid I am a false-positive in the US Bank ReliaCard system. I waited for 87 days only to have 53 days of consistency before US Bank hijacked my funds. It has been nearly 70 days now that I have been unable to access over $2000. UK just went into national lockdown, if the USA follows we are in...
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    [Colorado] Being told if I request now I shut my claim down, but was told I had to or I’ll have a delay in payments?

    @lngrid I can certainly understand the agonizing cycle in dealing with this platform. I knew full well there would be problems with so many changes and "updates" in the original e-mail. The instructions for resetting your existing password for MyUI+ is basically "hackish" as in not the way...
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    [Colorado] Master list of phone numbers, contact information and other online resources

    @hr_19 I endured my big struggle last summer. First, I didn't apply for Unemployment until it was a last resort. I was completely broke and despite powering forward the first three months of the pandemic I had been backed into a corner financially and gave up. I never considered myself to be...
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    [Colorado] Master list of phone numbers, contact information and other online resources

    @rrruff 12/27/20-01/03/2021 is the "wait week" which was re-instated per Executive Order D 2021 032 signed 01/31/2021 and conveniently the day before CDLE Phase 1 Rollout (02/1/2021). This was the "Head" of the Head & Tail combo in the Zerogeddon scandal. The "Zero Claim Balance Available"...
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    [Colorado] Verification Process

    @blj I believe I tried both without any difference. Again, I think most troubleshooting is funneled to the process.
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    [Colorado] Verification Process

    @blj You will be funneled into the " referee process". Set aside time. I spent 7 hours, 12 minutes waiting for my turn late into last night. Here is a screenshot of what says about virtual numbers like Skype and Google Voice specifically:
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    [Colorado] Verification Process

    @samuel4christ Me too, 7 hours 12 minutes to be exact. Think about how many non-tech savvy people are out there that WONT catch the orientation stipulation! Then a 7 hour wait time deters people and delays resolution. Evil or just stupidity?
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    [Colorado] Master list of phone numbers, contact information and other online resources

    @sayitstraight The last I heard / saw was the date was not yet determined and that CDLE would reach out when the time comes. I view that answer like everyone else should -- complete BS. Sorry to not have better news for you.
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    [Colorado] Verification Process

    @samuel4christ Thanks for the advice. I dont know the answer as my process had to ultimately go through the "referee". How long did it take you?
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    [Colorado] Master list of phone numbers, contact information and other online resources

    @theniceone I think that came from my notes on the town hall meeting. It is also here: There is also the similar looking number 303-318-9000 which is the main line that shows up on our caller id when they call. Also the same line many of us...
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    [Colorado] Master list of phone numbers, contact information and other online resources

    @theniceone Hang in there! Final stretch coming up! Did you leave a note in the truck dash to call you if there are any problems? Write a short and vague message but dont lead on you are financially cornered.
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    [Colorado] Master list of phone numbers, contact information and other online resources

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    [Colorado] Verification Process

    @minh I started this thread while I was awaiting an referee at 8pm Monday. I was very "on the ball" about getting this process completed as soon as it was required of me and stayed up until almost 3am Monday night to get it done. So when I "" I was cleared and my next requested...
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    [Colorado] Verification Process

    @minh It went through as it normally did.
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    [Colorado] Verification Process

    Post-verification follow up: The wait for a referee took 7 hours, 12 minutes from start to finish. This does not include the original attempt to verify.
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    [Colorado] Verification Process

    I had an entire month of focus going for me when all of a sudden -- whabam ( 👋 psh) -- I am hit with this four part letter from CDLE: Part two of this letter is, plainly, very scary 😳! Everyone will eventually be required to submit their documents through and I am currently undergoing...