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  1. F

    Does opting for Employee pension scheme(EPS) means losing CPF contribution from employer?

    @godsjules So in the example you stated in original post .. "If CPF is 10L and employer contribution is 10L" The employee contribution will be untouched so 10L In the employer contribution of 10L, 7.7 will be taken back .. so you will have 2.3L remaining there. So if you dad retires today...
  2. F

    Does opting for Employee pension scheme(EPS) means losing CPF contribution from employer?

    @godsjules Your CPF account will continue, but your employer will be contributing only 3.67% to it from now onwards.. The 7.7 Lakh would be removed from your CPF balance. Wherein, the principal amount of 4.6L would be transferred to your EPS, while the interest will be taken away (As EPS doen't...
  3. F

    Does opting for Employee pension scheme(EPS) means losing CPF contribution from employer?

    @godsjules Yeah there's a lot of confusion in the air .. This video was quite helpful in understanding the basic concepts for me. Ps: My sister is a teacher and has about ~20 years before retirement, so we are going with higher pension. As we felt that monthly payout for life > one big lumpsum.
  4. F

    I wrote some tax saving measures for every class of salaried employee other than 80C deductions. I'd love your feedback

    @quittercheckusa Hi, could you explain point number 2 - "Interest income/Short Term Capital Gains from Bank Deposits or Mutual Funds" in bit more detail ? If I transfer my Equity MF to my wife and she sells the unit, she too would have the pay the same capital gains tax (10% LTCG / 15% STCG) ...