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  1. B

    A View Inside the Timeline and Economics of the Simultaneous Sale and Purchase of Real Estate

    @binbina That's a great solution, too. In fact, my wife and I spent a lot of time talking about doing this ourselves. We gave ourselves a three week window after accepting an offer on our old place to enter into a purchase agreement. If we couldn't, we would have moved into a rental house...
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    A View Inside the Timeline and Economics of the Simultaneous Sale and Purchase of Real Estate

    @niccole2011 I can't speak to Rent-A-Center, but one of the real estate agents we spoke to suggested we consider removing all our stuff from our place, and using a professional stager to fill it for photos and showings. We had a 2-bed, 1-bath place, and she said it would cost us between $5-10K...
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    A View Inside the Timeline and Economics of the Simultaneous Sale and Purchase of Real Estate

    @cheerchick Makes total sense now. Sorry for the misunderstanding!
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    A View Inside the Timeline and Economics of the Simultaneous Sale and Purchase of Real Estate

    @cheerchick That makes more sense. I was reading your comment - and I think others did, too - as you wanting to purchase House A, and asking the seller's agent to represent you in the purchase and the sellers in the sale. Instead you're saying their seller's agent on House A becomes your...
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    A View Inside the Timeline and Economics of the Simultaneous Sale and Purchase of Real Estate

    @cheerchick That's an interesting perspective. I'd argue the opposite - the financial incentive (paid as a percentage of sale price) is itself a major conflict of interest for an agent, not a risk mitigating factor.
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    A View Inside the Timeline and Economics of the Simultaneous Sale and Purchase of Real Estate

    @cheerchick Really great advice - thanks for sharing it! Not sure I agree with you on your last point, though I know people frequently do it. I just don't like the idea that someone in the process who is working for me is also looking out for someone else. I don't want them managing that...
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    A View Inside the Timeline and Economics of the Simultaneous Sale and Purchase of Real Estate

    @pravoslavie Hopefully it makes life easier for someone else!
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    A View Inside the Timeline and Economics of the Simultaneous Sale and Purchase of Real Estate

    @resjudicata I think, in general, purchasing without an inspection is crazy. In our case, we knew that most sellers in our area won't consider an offer that requires an inspection. Additionally, our real estate agent had a background in home construction, so was able to do a visual inspection...
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    A View Inside the Timeline and Economics of the Simultaneous Sale and Purchase of Real Estate

    @gyd So are we. Our offer wasn't contingent on a sale (or inspection, or financing).
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    A View Inside the Timeline and Economics of the Simultaneous Sale and Purchase of Real Estate

    @rachelcgv Yeah, I think "How to Manage a Logistical Nightmare" would have been a valid alternative title to this post.
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    A View Inside the Timeline and Economics of the Simultaneous Sale and Purchase of Real Estate

    After nearly six years in our current home, my wife and I decided early in 2017 to sell and buy a bigger place. I went online looking for PF posts from people who had shared their experience of buying and selling simultaneously, or other blogs or resource discussing the process and economics of...