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  1. C

    FIRE plan backFIRED!!

    @huntemp28 From the data I’m assuming he went to US. Things work very differently in EU. You get paid less, but then you also pay less for your college. And if you’ve good grades throughout and get into public uni, you can get your education for very less cost (specifically in Germany). And...
  2. C

    FIRE plan backFIRED!!

    @huntemp28 Bro no idea about your friend, but a lot of people who have moved to Germany, with jobs are living pretty good life. Maybe your friend needs to find a decent job.
  3. C

    Help in debt consolidation 31M

    @iamlookingforanswers I agree with others. Start closing out the smaller loans (6500+5500). That will give you some breathing space. Then try to prepay the loans with highest interest rates. Not sure how it works for personal loans, but for home loans you can get your emi reduced when you...