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  1. J

    Why invest at all when fixed-rate savings account are so high? [6-month "update"]

    @ieltsielts You don't have to be a genius to know stocks have outperformed cash and bonds for a century.
  2. J

    Why invest at all when fixed-rate savings account are so high? [6-month "update"]

    @betty129 You've conveniently left out this clown has no job and is spending 3k in rent until now, good one. Either way, all your points have been pretty baseless.
  3. J

    Why invest at all when fixed-rate savings account are so high? [6-month "update"]

    @betty129 Your point was he didn't have the capital and you tried to imply stocks have poor returns despite outperforming property for the past century. He can buy them while renting though, which absolutely can be more profitable depending on your situation. Currently renting is cheaper than...
  4. J

    Why invest at all when fixed-rate savings account are so high? [6-month "update"]

    @betty129 He doesn't have the capital? With 100k? What? Stocks have historically outperformed property and don't come with any of the additional maintenance costs. Property too 'averages single digit returns over a period of years'.
  5. J

    Why invest at all when fixed-rate savings account are so high? [6-month "update"]

    @betty129 What about that? Housing isn't cheap and if his rent isn't particularly high then his decision to invest that money in index funds could actually be a superior option.
  6. J

    Why invest at all when fixed-rate savings account are so high? [6-month "update"]

    @theropod Stop using individual points in time as arguments for long term investment strategies. This is just timing the market in a different form. Stocks over long time horizons outperform cash overwhelmingly. Even arguments around volatility are questionable as interest rates are highly...
  7. J

    Why invest at all when fixed-rate savings account are so high? [6-month "update"]

    @roryrichards You can compare absolutely anything you want. Like you said, fixed rate is risk free so how can that be compared to risky assets like equities surely? The equity risk premium on paper means over a long timeframe stocks will outperform risk free investments every time, of course...
  8. J

    Why invest at all when fixed-rate savings account are so high? [6-month "update"]

    @victory123 This depends entirely on what risk you're talking about. The quantifiable risk of a single asset or the risk to your entire portfolio over its entire lifetime? If the latter, then volatility is just one aspect of risk. Over long time periods, interest rates are highly correlated with...