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  1. F

    Moving my RA

    @zandry42 "The Fund remains overweight global assets (and therefore underweight South African assets) and maintains its overweight exposure to Emerging Markets, particularly China." - from their factsheet. Sounds like active decisionmaking about under and overweight, yes? But they do market...
  2. F

    Moving my RA

    @shogolist4jesus Don't rush the decision. Do you know what your EAC is? Ie total cost of glacier platform plus fund management plus advisor? Half a percent for an advisor isn't bad if they are actually doing financial planning for you. If you never hear from them then obviously not worth it...
  3. F

    Inheritance-What's the best way to invest

    @amisraelhai Dude - take all that cash offshore. Put it in something like the MSCI World index. Property is complex and tenants can be a nightmare. Have a look at what net yield you could get from your plan and compare it to MSCI world returns over the past 5 years (which are also passive)...