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  1. M

    Aegon N.V - Too good to be true?

    @helloiamjma It all depends on Season 8 Dragon Glass could be in much higher demand down the road Otherwise, I'd invest heavily in Wildfire
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    The Ultimate Investing Checklist

    @bennybrain Next we need a list for ideal soul mates
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    The Ultimate Investing Checklist

    @tuhermano Aren't there already services that perform such scoring among similar lines?
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    Pro Tip: Never invest with Robo stocks in a non-registered account

    @deangelo Never mind that last half of my last sentence. I'm saying that if you had Robo stock trading going on in your RRSP account, won't you similarly be liable for taxes, like you would for your non-registered account? It seems to me that only TFSA avoids all tax penalties of any kind.
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    Pro Tip: Never invest with Robo stocks in a non-registered account

    @deangelo Why only say "non-registered account"? Wouldn't the same issues be there for an RRSP? I'd think that only the TFSA is safe for Robo stock trading without incurring tax penalties, and even that can't be done too often according to CRA.