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  1. P

    "Post Retirement Expenses"

    @nothinges Another consideration is what is truly passable? If you and your spouse die at the same time what is passed to the kids (adult age)? The answer is nothing, but with a life insurance you are passing down that life insurance payout. Again each situation is different and personal...
  2. P

    "Post Retirement Expenses"

    @nothinges Yes term does but you have to look at what you are paying for and what you get. SBP is basically buying a COLA adjusted fixed annuity. How many people would suggest buying a fixed annuity based on all of the fees involved??? You could buy a term life insurance policy of 30 years...
  3. P

    "Post Retirement Expenses"

    @nothinges You pay for 30 years or age 70 whichever is later not whichever comes first. No one said investing only 5% of your pay. I was referencing buying a term life insurance policy and using that money to invest in high growth quality dividends that would pay way above inflation and pay...
  4. P

    "Post Retirement Expenses"

    @nothinges That is not true about 30 years or age 70 whichever comes first. If you look at cola based premiums going up over let’s say 25 years and the amount of money the spouse gets (55% of retirement) if you do the math and get a term life insurance policy you would generally come out...
  5. P

    "Post Retirement Expenses"

    @kik899 It is a personal decision and you have to take your personal circumstances into it, but curious if you are willing to provide the math that shows it is worth it. Again if it is strictly a piece of mind issue I say go for it, but mathematically it is usually not.
  6. P

    "Post Retirement Expenses"

    @texasgungal Are you sure you want to go with SBP? If you are looking at it from a strictly peace of mind concept, then I say go for it. If you are looking at it mathematically I would venture to guess that you would be way better off going with term life insurance. SBP is taken out before...
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    Realistic Officer Retirement Questions

    @landeigestapo I am not an O-5+, but I will say that getting your VA% doesn't change whether you are an O, W or E. Also you should consider the full value of a military retirement. One of the most under-appreciated benefits is your healthcare being covered for life for you and your...
  8. P

    Advice on TSP

    @marezee61 The only change is the amount (new contributions) that you will be putting in. Drill pay vs active pay amounts, but you will still keep what you have and be able to add to it. I second the just put it in C Fund (S&P 500 basically) and forget about it. Worry more about how much...