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  1. J

    Shopping for mortgage? Here are some general concepts you might be interested knowing

    @stefo 100%, I became really passionate about finance at one point, and I really enjoy digging through data and scouting out investment opportunities. My parents and friends like to take a more passive approach and stick to the index, which is what I will be switching to in a few years. It is...
  2. J

    Shopping for mortgage? Here are some general concepts you might be interested knowing

    @stefo Honestly, I didn’t think you would be interested in the stock market. Most people I hear from who want to buy houses are focused on putting down a large down payment, then get caught up in aggressively paying down their mortgage. If you know what you’re doing with the stock market, and it...
  3. J

    Shopping for mortgage? Here are some general concepts you might be interested knowing

    @stefo @magicbook you should always put as big of a down payment as you can, if you have an emergency fund stashed away and no high interest rate debt... I touch up on it in this video, check it out: