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    Zakat Obligation - Laid off today

    @beloved926 By debt I meant I just owe it until the next payment due, Alhamduillah it’s not past due payment and I’m not earning any interest on it for not paying. It’s just my current monthly balance which I have to pay soon.
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    Zakat Obligation - Laid off today

    @meglin Very touching. Ameen, thank you!
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    Zakat Obligation - Laid off today

    @donnyb InshaAllah. Thank you.
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    Zakat Obligation - Laid off today

    @meglin Yes, it’s been a year!
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    Zakat Obligation - Laid off today

    @redqueen11278 Understandable. Ameen. Thank you very much.
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    Zakat Obligation - Laid off today

    @olyagah Rabbi inni lima anzalta ilayya min khairin faqir. InshaAllah.
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    Zakat Obligation - Laid off today

    @mitchfj Thank you, I will try to get more clarity on this.
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    Zakat Obligation - Laid off today

    @mitchfj I appreciate it. Ameen. I do have wealth over nisab value. I will use the calculator, what about my rent? Do I add rent for just the following month or for the next 12 months?
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    Zakat Obligation - Laid off today

    @tommysoda Receiving such positive comments is truly heartwarming and uplifting, it fills me with even more positivity. May Allah bless you.
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    Zakat Obligation - Laid off today

    Salam, Unfortunately, I received news today that I've been let go from my job after working there for 1.5 years. May Allah grant me strength and ease during this difficult time. With this sudden change in my circumstances, I'm now unsure about how to navigate my Zakat obligations. Previously...