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    “Goldman Sachs Warns S&P 500 Might Not Bottom Until 2,000”
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    “How a B.C. woman got stuck with a $4,000 bill after renting a pickup truck”

    “At the time, Veenstra turned down the extra insurance offered by the rental company because she was confident she had adequate coverage through her credit card.” “When she returned the vehicle and filed a claim, she was shocked to discover her credit card insurance would not cover pickup...
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    I’m 40, here’s where I’m at for retirement…

    @endquote You might not feel it but you are way better than most Canadians are at that age.
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    Shoutout to the good employers out there!

    @jsanford108 I think it only helps if you name them here, else this post is pointless. Given you have good things to say I don’t know why would you withhold it.
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    Auto Insurance | High premiums due to not having G1 G2 graduation to G in Ontario

    @sovereignone Wouldn’t call it rudimentary given the premium matched the score range. Higher score had lower premiums and vice versa for 4 cases I have seen so far, with 2 of them even matching cars with only one year apart year of manufacture. I am sorry but 2 comments back you “questioned a...
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    Auto Insurance | High premiums due to not having G1 G2 graduation to G in Ontario

    @sovereignone A simple google search brought it up for me.
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    Auto Insurance | High premiums due to not having G1 G2 graduation to G in Ontario

    @sovereignone CGI launched an app like we have for credit scores. It gives you your Auto Insurance score. App is available on App Store. The person who provided with that information did not know about this app. I help him setup. All information provided here is accurate based on their score...
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    Auto Insurance | High premiums due to not having G1 G2 graduation to G in Ontario

    So I never held G1 and G2 licenses in Ontario, as I was able to directly get G license by exchanging my full US driving license. I found it strange when I saw a few people in my postal code, who are immigrants and younger than me and much lesser driving history than me, get quotes 35% lower than...