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  1. M

    2022 Furusato Nozei Question Thread

    @kristhuy Thank you, this is a big relief!
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    2022 Furusato Nozei Question Thread

    @phillev Thank you for your advice, it’s very kind of you to help me
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    2022 Furusato Nozei Question Thread

    @phillev Sorry yes that first point should have read FY21, have edited
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    2022 Furusato Nozei Question Thread

    @mototothemax I am a little lost here… here is my situation: - I earned around 19.8m JPY in FY21 - I spent around 420k on furusato nozei, 4 purchases using the quick method on furusato choice. - I filed my YETA via work since I earned less than 20m JPY that year - I was told by my colleagues no...
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    2022 Furusato Nozei Question Thread

    @toni123 You can buy ski passes / resort passes