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    Unilever stock categories

    @mdwhite The GBP price is in pennies so it's £30 or so. The euro and sterling ones are basically the same price just in different currencies. The euro share is identical to the sterling one.
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    Individual Stocks vs ETFs - Tax Implications

    @brightman ETFs are brilliant investment tools, but the punishing and overly complex taxation of them in Ireland really diminishes their attractiveness.
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    Unilever stock categories

    @mdwhite They are all stocks in Unilever. The London and Amsterdam are the exact same thing. The US ones are ADRs which are basically the same thing. If you're investing in euro it would probably make sense to buy the Amsterdam listed shares as those are in euro...
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    Deemed disposal on investment funds

    @dablegend Trusts are subject to CGT on gains and income tax/USC/PRSI on dividends (if any).
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    How much more tax will I pay on dividends for US stocks as an Irish tax resident?

    @mdwhite As you're already in the highest tax band, that's where you're dividends will be taxed.
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    BRK.B v S&P 500 EFT

    @jedc42 Search by the ISIN GB00BKZGVH64
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    BRK.B v S&P 500 EFT

    @jedc42 Search for "jpmorgan American" in the search function and it'll pop up. Important to leave no spaces in jpmorgan.
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    BRK.B v S&P 500 EFT

    @jedc42 It's on 212 alright