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  1. N

    Are bonds an obvious investment now, if you believe that we will return to the 2010-1019 interest rate regime?

  2. N

    Are bonds an obvious investment now, if you believe that we will return to the 2010-1019 interest rate regime?

    @daniellea CPI doesn’t factor in the massive rise in consumer debt or huge drawdowns in the SPR reserves to stabilize the price of oil. Economic factors that are instrumental in controlling prices are to me much more important, tell a more accurate depiction of the conditions
  3. N

    Are bonds an obvious investment now, if you believe that we will return to the 2010-1019 interest rate regime?

    @daniellea If you are using CPI in any capacity you have no idea what you are doing. It’s a metric that is used for political grandstanding and not much else. It’s horribly inaccurate over every period of time.
  4. N

    Are bonds an obvious investment now, if you believe that we will return to the 2010-1019 interest rate regime?

    @daniellea Bonds are a negative yield right now under real returns- yeah inflation is published at 3-3.5 percent over the last few months but that excludes a lot of variables that are obviously significantly embedded in the real economy. Real inflation has to be in the 9-15% range, and if you...
  5. N

    Are bonds an obvious investment now, if you believe that we will return to the 2010-1019 interest rate regime?

    @daniellea To me there is no financial magic other than Inflation that will combat out deficit issues under the weight of current spending & entitlements. I expect real Inflation to run rampant for the next decade+ and bonds to return negative real yields.