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  1. W

    Advice on car ownership?

    @pastorpontibus Thank you for being the only person on this thread that is actually sharing car related expenses and advice. I'll definitely keep them in mind. :)
  2. W

    Advice on car ownership?

    @oralia Thanks so much, I will definitely keep that in mind. :D
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    Advice on car ownership?

    @oralia Do you mind sharing what your monthly car expenses look like? I have never owned a car, so any data would be much appreciated.
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    Advice on car ownership?

    @deadworm Way too traumatized from all the NSFL motorbike crashes I watched during my younger years, so probably no. But thanks for the suggestion!
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    Advice on car ownership?

    @hayleyc21 “People out there on 4m salary or so who can afford to own and drive a car” Have you ever heard of the term “car poor”? That’s exactly what I am trying to avoid hanse this post, but since you don’t make much I expect you are not going to understand it. “You probably live in a bubble...
  6. W

    Advice on car ownership?

    @hayleyc21 Just checked your post history, I'm not your wife bro, chill. I may not have worded it well enough, but my question was never about my ability to afford the car. What I am asking is whether the purchase is going to be a justifiable one, since my motive is mostly out of emotional...
  7. W

    Advice on car ownership?

    Context: 27M gaijin, lives in Tokyo, makes around 15~18M after tax, potentially even more in the next few years. Expenses are roughly 5-6M/year, and the rest all goes into VOO. Don’t have any debt nor expensive hobbies, except maybe dining out occasionally and trips back to home country every...