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  1. N

    Finance/Investing for dummies

    @rhemajoy thank you for taking the time to answer. I follow eupersonalfinance already, thanks anyway. "grow money now better than in a savings account and come up with a plan a bit later" is a good definition, at least for the moment. I already live in Spain (have residency and will apply...
  2. N

    living in Spain, being paid in US$ on Payoneer

    @lostanlooking I didn't understand your question
  3. N

    living in Spain, being paid in US$ on Payoneer

    @lostanlooking no, to my home country still.
  4. N

    Finance/Investing for dummies

    HELLO I would like to start investing my savings in a broker like Trading212 or Interactive Brokers, but I would like to know a bit more before I decide. Is there any podcast or youtube channel that explains "finance for dummies"? Something that is not "smoke and mirrors" and that really...
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    investment USD account for EU resident

    Hi everyone I was decided on opening a Trading212 account for my USD savings but, as a resident in Spain, they will only allow me a EUR account. is there any alternative that would let me open a USD account and provides interest on savings?
  6. N

    living in Spain, being paid in US$ on Payoneer

    Hi all! Do you have any suggestions or advice on what/where to invest dollars from a virtual bank, being a legal resident of the EU? just as a comment, I've read that some Payoneer users also have another digital account/bank that gives some return but can't remember where...