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  1. L

    Will a HPV positive but nothing to worry about diagnosis change my life insurance premium?

    @existia Sounds like you might have it easier here!
  2. L

    Will a HPV positive but nothing to worry about diagnosis change my life insurance premium?

    @existia Oh geez! They didn’t ask about any driving issues/violations but I’m clear either way.
  3. L

    Will a HPV positive but nothing to worry about diagnosis change my life insurance premium?

    @existia Yup! I’m going to assume it’s not too different here in that case. I’m still waiting to hear back from the insurers.
  4. L

    Will a HPV positive but nothing to worry about diagnosis change my life insurance premium?

    @existia Nope, they just sent a letter saying no abnormal cells found but tested positive for HPV so please come back in a year or so for another screen. There’s nothing else on that list that I have to worry about. I have an old recurring knee injury but nothing that’ll take me out of work or...
  5. L

    Will a HPV positive but nothing to worry about diagnosis change my life insurance premium?

    @existia Thanks for your reply. I had a cervical screen done and it came back negative for abnormal cells (ie cancerous cells), just HPV pos. I know HPV can lead to cancer which is why I was worried they might think I’m at a higher risk of getting cancer but if almost everyone gets HPV, they...
  6. L

    Will a HPV positive but nothing to worry about diagnosis change my life insurance premium?

    I’m just about to take out life insurance and mortgage protection but I’ve learnt my last smear came back pos for HPV and I just have to go back for another smear in a year. Nothing to worry about. Will this affect my premium? It’s currently quoted at £17/month. Thanks.