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  1. G

    Large loan options for University

    @ryanthenapster I will thanks a million ! :)
  2. G

    Large loan options for University

    @remainingbody No not at all don’t be sorry thanks so much for your reply, I’ll take a look, I was a bit worried about that with some of the places as I’m a real home bird so I would want to move back to Ireland eventually. But I will check them out and confirm it’s internationally recognised...
  3. G

    Large loan options for University

    @theinvisibleman30 100% I will, thank you, I had such tunnel vision regarding where I could go, I didn’t think about other places that would offer it Edit: which probably sounds a bit ridiculous but no one ever suggests EU it’s usually UK or the North and I didn’t have an interest in moving to...
  4. G

    Large loan options for University

    @theinvisibleman30 I must check that out thank you ! It may be an option the reason why I hadn’t considered was due to the language barrier but if it is taught entirely through English it would definitely be an option to consider if I can’t get my college here, thanks so much
  5. G

    Large loan options for University

    Hi all, Apologies for the formatting I am on mobile. I hope someone will be able to give me some advice. I’m 27(f), hoping to go back to medical school under the GEM programme in the near future. I’m working on it from a entry standpoint (entry tests etc) but my biggest hurdle is the...