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    Financial strategy check (Germany)

    @myles1999 Mid 30s.
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    Financial strategy check (Germany)

    @inkarpathos Current apartment value is 700k + appreciation for the last 3 years (15%?) so around 800k probably.
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    Financial strategy check (Germany)

    @inkarpathos We have 150k left on the mortgage; we put a big down payment. Interest rate is low that's why we are not paying it out earlier/faster.
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    Financial strategy check (Germany)

    @thebigdaddy007 Thanks for your elaborate reply. Many valid points. Regarding cryptocurrencies; I've been investing in the space since 2013 and I had good returns. However, as you mention I keep reminding myself "it might have all been luck"; "don't invest more than you can loose"; etc. I try...
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    Financial strategy check (Germany)

    @cuba973 Specialized C-level leadership role in a small company. Certainly not in a company that thinks of employees as swap-able pieces that earn within a strict salary range. A doctor; notary; or lawyer with their own business can be around the same numbers. Not saying it's the norm; but more...
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    Financial strategy check (Germany)

    @christineadler Fresh out of university Silicon Valley level. Similar position in Silicon Valley would be $400k-$600k.
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    Financial strategy check (Germany)

    Hi, Writing from a separate account to not link this discussions with my main one due to the amount of details I want to share. I am struggling to figure out how to proceed with my financial planning going forward. I think I'm in a good place but feel I can always optimize further. My family...