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  1. M

    Kiwibank now have Google/Apple pay, so you're out of excuses for banking with the Aussies.

    @bpplee With house prices the way they are here I’d say we’re basically a cash cow for Aussie banks. Low competition, easy money.
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    A lesson in reaching for the moon

    @carlitg So wonderful to hear! I'm similar in temperament so I understand how hard it is to ask for what you think you deserve. Once I started doing more work on my self esteem, I found it was a lot easier to ask for more- turns out the biggest barrier was myself. Hope this is the first of many...
  3. M

    I think Auckland housing prices will continue to fall by 15%-25%

    @edenstorm Yep, I've been looking to buy for 7 months now in Akl and yet to see a real downturn. Good houses are still being snapped up within 1-3 weeks of listing date, and not at a big discount either. I'm hoping I'll have more luck in 6 months time.
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    Please critique my plan to become a software developer and move to a town with cheap housing in 5-10 years where I can work from home

    @tanyastark You can barely buy a house in the wop wops for that much now let alone in 10 years lol