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    A Checklist For Picking Great Stocks - Warren Buffett Investing Cheat Sheet

    @irondad92 If deliated companies are removed then your universe is only survived companies. That is survivorship bias.
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    A Checklist For Picking Great Stocks - Warren Buffett Investing Cheat Sheet

    @irondad92 Without even asking to see this actual filter in python I can tell from your returns that there is big time survivorship bias here.
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    1M Treasury declines to 3.4% today: discussion topic

    @bukowski Mcaethys bill he floated two days ago doesn't have the votes
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    1M Treasury declines to 3.4% today: discussion topic

    @jocurizuma Tell me how you don't work in finance without telling me you don't work in finance.
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    1M Treasury declines to 3.4% today: discussion topic

    @willprez 1-3m tbill spread is largest all time Euro funded ust cds is over 100bps. Stress is creeping into funding markets as the gop position gets more insane and the market comes to terms with gs view that the ceiling is in June and not August
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    Mystery Surrounds $7 Billion Outflow From Vanguard S&P 500 Fund

    @oscaroscar If you read the article it explains they swapped the etf for the underlying shares.