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  1. G

    How to live on 200k over 3 years

    @miracle2018 Depends how much you need to live off of each month? Easiest would be CASH.TO as it'll basically pay you a dividends each month while keeping the cash pile pretty safe and not needing to lock in your money
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    Paid my taxes in 2022-Notice of assessment still shows owing

    @umrules Idk why I got down voted, but, ya, it's nothing. I've had it before and it's normal to get a notice like that. Just a timing thing of when they send the notices vs when you paid
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    Paid my taxes in 2022-Notice of assessment still shows owing

    @umrules Just ignore it. Make a note and keep records that you did pay tho. They send these notices out way before you paid. That's why it states don't worry if you already paid.
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    21 YO - Seeking Financial Advice

    @james4000 I have no clue on how you're gonna retire in basically 10yrs with 4 million, but pay your car off in full. Almost 7% interest being paid off is the same as making a 7% return on your investments. After that save for 3 months of living expenses. If you have a job and a business you...
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    Saving for mortgage vs leaving Canada

    @cankosker The best way to have a future is being able to make money online in a high currency country and living in a cheaper currency country. You'll make average income for that country, make extra in conversion from higher to cheaper currency exchange, and benefit greatly from living in a...
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    Saving for mortgage vs leaving Canada

    @cankosker I think moving away is the only option. Unless you're making hundreds of thousands per year consistently you really have no future in Canada. It's mathematically impossible. You need tons of money today to live. By the time young people start making any money they'll need even more...
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    Parents are being forced out of Canada and need advice

    @pilgrim Just apply anywhere. These big stores need workers. Apply everywhere and eventually someone will hire. Skills to learn quickly or jobs they could do now that pay more all depends on their current skills and what they did before.
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    What are your thought on these 10 steps to financial freedom?

    @kycatt007 Lol those were the old days. The new one is: Come to Canada with no skills Let the Canadian government give you tax payer dollars to take care of you Get a Brampton mortgage to buy a home Take the worst photos for Kijiji with unsafe living conditions and ask for Indians only Fill it...
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    Parents are being forced out of Canada and need advice

    @pilgrim I didn't say it'd be easy but it's literally get a job or commit a crime. Can bum for money too. Those are really the only options and I I'm highly suggest them getting jobs. Minimum wage places are highering all the time. They can also learn new skills to get a higher paying job. I'm...
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    Parents are being forced out of Canada and need advice

    @pilgrim Get jobs. If you don't have enough money your only option is to keep working