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  1. N

    Not sure if to go IVA route or DMP and Im torn

    @beloved_dust_heap Thank you, umfortunately i can't go bankrupt in my job. I spoke to my HR and they said an IVA or DMP is ok. Stepchange would handle the DMP and they assured me they take no fees if they handle the DMP. I could make the DMP possibly last 6 years. I would rather tackle it...
  2. N

    Not sure if to go IVA route or DMP and Im torn

    @carrico I used there online tools and it come out on top with the iva
  3. N

    Not sure if to go IVA route or DMP and Im torn

    Hi Im 34 in £37k worth of debt to 7 credit cards and 1 loan. Interest is being added to all debt as I am u able to transfer any of the CC to 0%. My take home is £3k a month and outgoings look abit like this 450 rent 100 g/e 145 car 200 food 700 nursery 76 phone 47 internet 250 wife 1200 debt...