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    Is Investment-Linked Insurance a Sneaky Trap?

    @chretien22 Any ILP is a sneaky trap and you should avoid all agents trying to sell this.
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    Advantage of becoming T20

    @hummelav Just ignore bro. A lot of jealous people here.
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    Bitcoin just hit a RM all time high!

    @mutambo Bitcoin is not a game of "Greater-fool". That's trading in shits and alts. It's only a game of "greater-fool" if you try and treat it like one by trying to time the market. How different is that from day-trading penny stocks? Bitcoin is used to fund terrorism and illegal activities...
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    Advantage of becoming T20

    @hummelav If you're thinking of buying a house, now is the time. Banks may offer you lower interest rates if you can show proof of salary. If you are like me and trust yourself with a creditcard, aim for the highest, biggest, and request for credit limit increase every 2-3 months. I opted for...
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    Bitcoin just hit a RM all time high!

    @kirutu3 asdfas
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    Bitcoin just hit a RM all time high!

    @kirutu3 If you are investing in a way that generates anxiety, you need to stop investing. That is not investing, that is gambling, and you have no business making financial decisions. Either educate yourself or put your money in FD.
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    Advantage of becoming T20

    @ewaldron1988 Ah yes, the good ol' Rosmah method.
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    Advantage of becoming T20

    @ehunter Secondly, you can show off on instgram.
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    Advantage of becoming T20

    @micha Umm, okay. My employers pay me SGD but I save in RM. Banks, credit scores, taxes, the whole shebang, is RM. So you can refer to whatever textbook you want, but from experience, if OP is spending SGD in MYR, then it is MYR.
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    Advantage of becoming T20

    @micha Because that money is eventually going to be spent/used in Malaysia when he returns, so I think it's very much a warranted comparison. If that money is being saved in MY banks, then they will use it to determine his credit rating as well.