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  1. B

    Beware of N26 - Day one without access to my account

    @candleleigh Absolutely the same with revolut. Blocking payements, freezing cards because their stupid anti fraud system flagged “unusual transaction”. While it was me trying to withdraw some cash in USA, the main reason I wanted use revolut for! Stay away from these bS neobanks, I would rather...
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    Dare to 'disagree' with Buffet and Bogle?

    @evietheturtle Yes, maybe that's why they said that. But people believe that they are some sort of prophets and now something that everyone else doesn't. Nowadays it costs the same to either own world index or SP500.
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    Dare to 'disagree' with Buffet and Bogle?

    @evietheturtle Same is true in reverse. There are fantastic companies in Europe that operate globally. Think ASML, LVHM, or recent success story - Novo Nordisk. Even though it's from small country of only 5mln people, Denmark, It is now most valuable company in Europe, with a market cap higher...
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    Dare to 'disagree' with Buffet and Bogle?

    @hanhsoes Wat? He was right ? No he wasn't. Bonds had the worst performance like in 50 years. While stocks delivered great returns.
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    Dare to 'disagree' with Buffet and Bogle?

    @kaytiedid You've made me curious for excess cape yields for other countries, so I made a quick excel spreadsheet with the latest data, you can check it here: USA will yield 2.77 until 2033, the best will be Germany and UK 8,02 and 7,66 respectively.
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    Dare to 'disagree' with Buffet and Bogle?

    @kaytiedid So the classical measure is CAPE, developed by R.Shiller. In the last 15 years, there was a zero % interest rate environment. In that environment, bonds do not yield anything, and stocks do yield dividends, so there is no alternative for major institutions, and they buy stocks for...
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    Dare to 'disagree' with Buffet and Bogle?

    @ldarlingt Bogle lived in normal times. We have lived in 15 years of 0 interest rates (which is not normal and never happened before) and massive QE which boosted USA asset prices. We have not been living in normal times. This will now reverse. Next 10 years will be totally different than...
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    Dare to 'disagree' with Buffet and Bogle?

    @englishcatholic17 Dude just fell for recency bias, and doesn't even understand his mistake... and feels good about it actually... RIP
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    Bought VWCE for 900 EUR, commission 8 EUR, how?

    @diondrejames Then just open a new account in IBKR PRO, and transfer your shares from the lite, and then close it. It’s possible to do that.
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    Bought VWCE for 900 EUR, commission 8 EUR, how?

    @diondrejames You will need to switch to PRO then. Why would you use lite if it is 5 times more expensive?
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    Bought VWCE for 900 EUR, commission 8 EUR, how?

    @diondrejames Change the pricing to tiered, it then will cost 1.25EUR next time.
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    How to invest during weak EUR, high inflation, and meek interest rate?

    @kcnalp Why the irony? This is literally best strategy