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    1.5% 401k contribution if i contribute 6% is that even worth it?

    @eishtmo When I started at my current company, I was convinced I'd be here for two years max, and I've now been here over four. No one can predict the future.
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    College Son Calls It Life Hacking

    @megkh22 I tried this when I was at my first job in high school. It had a similar system where the 30 minute break only logged as 15 if you start/stopped at the right time. This kind of thing gets audited all the time. It might work for a bit, but he's going to get caught eventually or the...
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    Working with a spouse who is fearful and avoidant about budgets!

    @valerie22 I forgot in my first reply that the book author has a Netflix show that's like the podcast but faster paced. It could be something to watch together. A little more engaging than a podcast.
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    Working with a spouse who is fearful and avoidant about budgets!

    @valerie22 Have you checked out the book I Will Teach You to Be Rich? The author also has a podcast. It might be worth checking out. I've personally found that doing his Conscious Spending Plan (it's used in the podcast and can be downloaded for free) has helped me have a better relationship...