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  1. C

    Enjoying a life not spent working 24/7

    @polygon This is a pretty good summary. Pristine earthers are not human flourishing environmentalist even though they pretend they are. Everyone should be wary of them. Edit: Once again I am getting down voted. The video didn't say climate change isn't real(like they did), just that its not the...
  2. C

    Enjoying a life not spent working 24/7

    @resjudicata I have empathy for people who feel this way. They have been told this since primary school from a group of people who have a dogmatic ideology. They are told its from the scientist. The data doesn't and hasn't ever supported the Emergency and end of the world predictions. Young...
  3. C

    Enjoying a life not spent working 24/7

    @polygon What is OPEC+ then? Oil pricing is controlled by organised capping and regulation of production. It is done with the express and stated goal of controlling pricing. Negative oil pricing was a transient effect from the over night dive in demand (demand typically is very stable) and...
  4. C

    Enjoying a life not spent working 24/7

    @polygon I disagree with this. I think fossil fuels are priced by a cartel and hold us back heavily as a society. Its like a tax. You have to keep buying it and they get together to ensure the pricing stays where they want it. As everything is just energy (human or other) it really holds us...
  5. C

    Enjoying a life not spent working 24/7

    @karengodsgirlk2 Hi Razbey, There is a video on YouTube from a farmer. He explains how much goes into avoiding using fertiliser on farms. All of the things you list + much more. They do everything to minimise its use in the west,.. why? Because its stupid expensive. The idea that western...
  6. C

    Enjoying a life not spent working 24/7

    My worry about climate change is as follows: overreaction by doing things like putting quotas on fertilizers etc. it will reduce our food creation from say 3x what AU needs to more like 1x. We will import food and not export it and poorer countries will starve in the 100’s of millions because...
  7. C

    Enjoying a life not spent working 24/7

    @karengodsgirlk2 I feel sorry for anyone who plans their life around “the climate emergency”. I think they are going to be bitterly upset when they realize what they were sold vs what the reality is. Edit: I should probably have foreseen the downvotes. Leaving this here anyways as it’s genuine...