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  1. P

    Seek advice on job role transition

    @snuke I think if I don’t accept it, they would probably change my job scope and let me do all the low level mundane stuff
  2. P

    Seek advice on job role transition

    @snuke If my company forcefully enforce this by deducting my salary, can I take any action? Or no ?
  3. P

    Seek advice on job role transition

    @sarahcbailey Yea, I thought i am the only one that find this kinda odd..
  4. P

    Seek advice on job role transition

    @resjudicata Yes one of my option is to stay for a year for the experience and polish up my resume, and jump to other company
  5. P

    Seek advice on job role transition

    Hi. Not sure if this is the right place to ask lol. So basically I have worked in a Chinese tech company based in KL recently and after few months, I got notified by HR that there are basically 2 job tier in the company i.e. A tier and B tier (I’m in Tier B). Due to the scope of my job (I’ve...