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  1. C

    (AUS) Need a little bit of advice in sorting out some issues with debt (currently @ $41k... h e l p)

    @resjudicata Combination of things - poor decisions (such as helping out a friend with emergency repairs - $600 of which I didn't have). I'm an idiot basically. it boils down to "I. AM. A. FUCKING, IDIOT." Medical conditions - I need this particular level of health insurance as it covers some...
  2. C

    (AUS) Need a little bit of advice in sorting out some issues with debt (currently @ $41k... h e l p)

    @legendsh Would you happen to have a link to this plan or is it somewhere in the wiki? I got a promotion last year but it was barely worth the money it was written on. Looking for a new job at the moment, I'm very underappreciated at work at the moment. Would Uber be worth it for a few...
  3. C

    (AUS) Need a little bit of advice in sorting out some issues with debt (currently @ $41k... h e l p)

    Throwaway for obvious reasons. Forgive me if I'm not posting in the right place. I've fucked up hard and I'm not sure how I can fix this. As in the title, I owe $41,000 all up. I earn $68k a year (works out to be around $4350 a month after tax). As it stands I owe: $4,500 in student loans...