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    How do Wealthy and upper middle-income Filipinos protect their parents vs Medical costs?

    @ignissus Their business is their insurance. It would give a better return than any insurance policy ever could. “A plan towards a disaster (in this case death) is a step towards a disaster” is their mindset. Philhealth still helps though.
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    PREIT goes on sale today (at 25% discount) (M:Nov28)

    @ignissus Happy Cakeday MB!
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    ASEAN GDP growth (QoQ) (Q1 2019 - Q1 2022)

    @roboturn3r Here is an interactive chart for values, the reson why I dont include the values is it will look messy. I would've only included the latest values, but there is no way in sheets to do that unless manually.
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    ASEAN GDP growth (QoQ) (Q1 2019 - Q1 2022)

    Graphs are made using Google Sheets, and uploaded using If you know an app or website that can cater for more graph editing tools, do let me know. I plan to post Graphs related to the economy. If you have any suggestions, do let me know.
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    ASEAN GDP growth (QoQ) (Q1 2019 - Q1 2022)

    ASEAN GDP growth (QoQ) (Q1 2019 - Q1 2022) - Comparative Line Graph of top 6 Economies of ASEAN: PHILIPPINE GDP GROWTH (2010 up to DATE) - QoQ and YoY GDP Growth of the Philppines
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    Need po financial advice for 16 y.o

    @lexy2019 yung sa song 🎵 Habang bata pa, sa damuhan maghabulan, magtampisaw sa ulan … dahil minsan lang sila bata 🎵 its ad song from ages ago here. Lol, am i that old na ba? 😭😭😭
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    Need po financial advice for 16 y.o

    @lexy2019 hindi ba “minsan lang sila bata” yun? yung sa song diba? XD
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    Maliit n utang

    @viprochems I dont think OP mentioned about having some sort of friendship with the person he lended money with. Share ko lang: Ay pag ako yan walang utang na makakalimutan. May spreadsheet ako sa mga pinautang kong friends, di ko naman sila sinisingil pero pag lalabas kami tapos manonood ng...
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    Need po financial advice for 16 y.o

    @rosie37861 Dont feel pressured by the “successful” young entrepreneurs you see online, many of them had a good head start with having a wealthy family. Those articles and posts are cherry picked, i mean, who would make an article about broke kids right? Thats not newsworthy. Also, $17/hr in...
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    Grocery P.O.S and O.R

    @mikeloria If your suppliers issues an OR, you can write it off naman as VAT deductable. Ang issue lang is if hindi sila nagiisue ng OR. Pwede naman maglagay kayo ng “*” sa POS printout to say na for quote purpose lang siya at hindi as Official Receipt. Pero you will still issue OR na written.
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    BPI Trade app

    @mingshu The app was a disappointment. BPI CC rewards was devalued. Web app still the same shitty UI. I didnt have any reason to transfer broker/bank anymore. So no, I didnt get preferred.
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    BPI Trade app

    @bluejay57 nice, if they have a better app than fms, i will have a reason transferring all positions there and get preferred status. hopefully it launches before december. I also hope they remove their monthly fees on your balance, although maliit lang, nakakaturnoff.