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  1. M

    So many influencers on social media, who is worth following?

    @fumbling_foo From where should one learn then? I really don’t know? If not these influencers then how to start from basics? Are there notes for trading? Please someone help?
  2. M

    So many influencers on social media, who is worth following?

    @mygisfy Oh okay. But I am really a noob okay can you recommend any good channel or book? Or something? To start with? Also I have my money in mutual funds but I did not invest that some other person did it for me. He is a known guy. But now I wanna start investing on my own .
  3. M

    So many influencers on social media, who is worth following?

    @mygisfy But if you already have the capital to invest then what from where to start? Bcoz on YouTube if I see only these influencers come up. Is there any course you would recommend?