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  1. G

    EU citizen holding strong USD in cash, better to invest directly in US Stocks or convert to EUR and invest in S&P 500 UCITS ETFs (FX hedged or not)

    @evietheturtle Thanks! Sending USD via wire from Wise is not so expensive, so I'm trying not to lose on FX, just the wire costs
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    EU citizen holding strong USD in cash, better to invest directly in US Stocks or convert to EUR and invest in S&P 500 UCITS ETFs (FX hedged or not)

    @evietheturtle Exactly I just found out that there are usd denominated UCITS etfs on world/S&p, that solves the problem I guess.
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    EU citizen holding strong USD in cash, better to invest directly in US Stocks or convert to EUR and invest in S&P 500 UCITS ETFs (FX hedged or not)

    @aegisheart Thanks a lot, I saw the website and the options, but they are all time consuming to set up. And I don't want to open a margin account for options. So I guess the UCITS etfs in USD from Vanguard might make the trick
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    EU citizen holding strong USD in cash, better to invest directly in US Stocks or convert to EUR and invest in S&P 500 UCITS ETFs (FX hedged or not)

    @aegisheart Seems that EU citizens can't buy US ETFs (only their UCITS counterparts), do you have any idea how to work around it?
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    EU citizen holding strong USD in cash, better to invest directly in US Stocks or convert to EUR and invest in S&P 500 UCITS ETFs (FX hedged or not)

    @njay Thanks for the explanation, I get the double conversion to be neutral overall, just wanted to find ways not to convert twice every time. And also true about anchoring that EUR should be stronger historically!
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    EU citizen holding strong USD in cash, better to invest directly in US Stocks or convert to EUR and invest in S&P 500 UCITS ETFs (FX hedged or not)

    @njay Why doesn't it matter that the underlying currency is in USD and you are buying in EUR? I mean you are buying USD assets with a weak EUR, once it goes back to historic levels the e.g. SPX ETF will have lost value
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    EU citizen holding strong USD in cash, better to invest directly in US Stocks or convert to EUR and invest in S&P 500 UCITS ETFs (FX hedged or not)

    @kaytiedid Cool, thanks for the info! I was looking into IBKR as a multi-currency broker (and Scalable Capital as the EUR one) so could be an option
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    EU citizen holding strong USD in cash, better to invest directly in US Stocks or convert to EUR and invest in S&P 500 UCITS ETFs (FX hedged or not)

    Hi! I'm an EU citizen/Italian holding USD in cash and want to invest in the US markets. I'm not sure which of these options work better in order not to lose on potential future EURUSD hike (and losing value on the underlying asset). Opt 1: Buy US Stocks and replicate some sort of S&P 500...
  9. G

    To buy a flat vs invest?

    @abim305 Buy the flat, you get enough support from German gov and can later renegotiate the rates (if they go down sharply). And the deal you have at hand seems like a good deal for Berlin, which as I remember is insane. Also, not sure if the stock market will really generate 7% in the next...