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  1. N

    I just got my will and Vorsorgeauftrag notarized at 24 - ask me anything!

    @tom112 What does inheritance law says by default? Regarding risk from estranged parents? And what about if they're in eu country, and me here, which inheritance law applies? I'm married, no kids. I think by default here surviving spouse gets everything, and in case of disability/no...
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    Months of expenses

    @lauriluillier Edit: sorry I didn't realise this question was on financial sub, I just saw swiss flag and thought it was in general Switzerland sub. My thoughts are more appropriate for mere mortals who try to figure out life, and not people who already have a hold about own finances. But I'll...
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    Student getting started with life: Seeking Finance Optimization Tips

    @anything1234 Yeah, I think most valuable is - no need to throw money on healing yourself from toxic people, throw toxic people away 🤯 It's much harder to be in peace and ok with your life and enjoy it, than it's to earn more money. After all, if you're drained of life energy, you can't earn...
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    Student getting started with life: Seeking Finance Optimization Tips

    @anything1234 In case your parents didn't teach you, I'll try to cover few nuggets of wisdom gained through my own mistakes / bad moves. It's NORMAL and ok that you start from zero, and slowly build comfort to get to the level you had in family home. It took them decade or two as well. If you...
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    Joint bank account

    @cerddoriaeth Thanks! Based on some other threads and informations here, I talked today with my husband that it might be time we write our wills and living wills, and he agreed. So far we have as I wrote earlier, bunch of private accounts with power of attorney, which indeed brings a similar...
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    Joint bank account

    @cerddoriaeth Ooo, so there are two versions of joint accounts?! See, that's interesting new information I wasn't aware of. Thanks for peeking here and sharing that! 🫶 Do you maybe know if there's any other differences between them, like does one type has some other advantage?
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    Student getting started with life: Seeking Finance Optimization Tips

    @tef85 Not who you asked, I can offer my reasoning: If you quit your job, let's say by end of January. Your first potential payout from RAV will come, if I'm not mistaken, end May or June (people say 3 months penalty but I forgot if that's with regular month of penalty for all included or not)...
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    Joint bank account

    @adrainsmith In our specific case, they couldn't give us at that moment joint account because I didn't have permit in my hand yet. But it seems that indeed, joint account and power of attorney on private accounts are similar, at least regarding the freeze. Why then they explained it in a way...
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    Joint bank account

    @nicolas16 You made me chuckle with first sentence... Like, can someone be not-really married, when they say they are married? 😂 Thanks for the link, it seems it was crazy before this reform, I'll need to reread it several times to be sure I understand. It seems like we'll have to make a...
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    Joint bank account

    @meow6308 Wait, what?! If I die, my husband doesn't immediately get everything? I thought that was the biggest selling point for marriage. I get it that it goes further around the tree up/down/sides if we both die eg accident, or when the second one dies. But if this is how inheritance law...
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    Months of expenses

    @m4m You need some savings to bridge period between last day of work and ALK payment kick in. If you had decent / good job and you were fired, you'll probably have full month of 'penalty' aka 'franchise' and then first money comes at the end of next month. So 2 months is definitely recommended...
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    Joint bank account

    I've been binge reading posts here and found that it's pretty common that folks here have joint account with their spouse. When we opened ours on ZKB, we were told that joint account is problematic if it's the only one, because in case of death of one spouse, account is freezed until...