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    How to invest during weak EUR, high inflation, and meek interest rate?

    @arielovesjesus Interesting take. You mean like Eurostoxx or DAX?
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    How to invest during weak EUR, high inflation, and meek interest rate?

    @jcraig Hey, thanks what are you going to do once EUR is up again? Rebalance to non-hedged?
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    How to invest during weak EUR, high inflation, and meek interest rate?

    @karebrown Long way, therefore I'd call it indeterminate waiting. I will lose some in the hedging cost, but I hope it's not >20% gap like that of EUR-USD now.. I'm a bit wary considering gold as in the textbook case rn, you mentioned the external factor (Russia). There is this open...
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    How to invest during weak EUR, high inflation, and meek interest rate?

    @karebrown I do not know if I call it betting, I'd call it waiting indeterminately. Again Feds gonna dial down at some point with the rate, and ECB has to keep up with this stupid sub 9% inflation. For me, it's not exactly a choice, if dont want to DCA then I have to save and hold EUR for...
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    How to invest during weak EUR, high inflation, and meek interest rate?

    @karebrown I re-read several time, it still looks to me this is true for lump sump investment, but not DCA. When EUR keep falling independent to the stock fluctuation, I get to buy the same or more number of positions over time. EUR-USD direction is not given, but at some point US Fedreserve...
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    ETF composition Questions for Saving Plan

    @julia736 I see, we are coming from different financial scale :D As you can tell I'm making puny transaction compared to yours, so it is on my best interest that the individual transaction cost does not eat up the yield too much, seeing they are sized pretty close considering my total amount of...
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    How to invest during weak EUR, high inflation, and meek interest rate?

    @karebrown Wait wait, I don't follow you. When we DCA hedged ETF on devaluing EUR (excluding effect of the stock itself), then I get to keep more position. Of course we are speculating EUR will go up again, but if and when it goes up, then it is advantageous, or am I missing something? Yes...
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    ETF composition Questions for Saving Plan

    @julia736 I understand that investing emerging market has inherently higher cost, but naturally I compare these ETSs with other equivalent ETFs tracking similar index. Oh I think you might have just read my mind, I have been trying to compare between Vanguard and iShare; So in Comdirect I can...
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    How to invest during weak EUR, high inflation, and meek interest rate?

    @kbhit Those are energy commodity? I thought it means oil and gas. I'm out of the loop, but sure it makes sense, EV and renewable needs battery.. I agree with oil/gas/uranium. Though oil/gas has a penchant of surprise comeback despite push for renewable. Who knows what war will come next, and...
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    How to invest during weak EUR, high inflation, and meek interest rate?

    @karebrown Well, if EUR continue to fall, that is what the hedged ETF are for, can't help with the stock market itself falling, though. For bonds, you mean EU bond? Because if it's USD we face the same dilemma as buying normal unhedged S&P, the EUR is weak ATM. Nevertheless, I'm considering...
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    ETF composition Questions for Saving Plan

    @julia736 TIL, but most other ETF has TER < 0.5. I.e. Vanguard, iShare?
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    How to invest during weak EUR, high inflation, and meek interest rate?

    @brendaj63 I sure hope not. It's already bad! Yeah, conflict in Ukraine and energy price... I will sleep on the bonds and gold. Likely bond though. Germany, the forex is treated as private sale rather than capital gain. Just like cryptocurrency, hold one year then it's tax free. Yeah...
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    How to invest during weak EUR, high inflation, and meek interest rate?

    @brendaj63 Hey, thanks for the insight! You mean somehow Putin lets some gas through Nordstream? Currently it looks like it's both tough financial and physical winter. Rationing isnt fun. So you are saying wait a bit before entering? I see. How do you see the currency risk with gold...
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    ETF composition Questions for Saving Plan

    @julia736 Yes, I'd like to have a slight tilt to Emerging Market. Not sure if I should do it in the beginning, or later when i can allocate more monthly investment.
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    How to invest during weak EUR, high inflation, and meek interest rate?

    @jeepneytravel Hmm, so Apple would stocks some Yuan or Taiwanese dollar when they import their devices? Wallmart do the same for their wholesale import? I was under impression USD is still used.. Yeah not saying it's bad, some assumption stays the same or is sufficiently close I consider...
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    How to invest during weak EUR, high inflation, and meek interest rate?

    @jeepneytravel MSCI World is at least 50% US Company, I get that they operate internationally and strong dollar is bad for that, but they are US company still, and the US itself is a BIG market. With cheaper import, It should have some positive correlation with dollar strength, I don't know if...
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    ETF composition Questions for Saving Plan

    @julia736 You are right, that is why I added I want to replace World with Amundi Index Solutions MSCI World Ex Europe ETF - EUR. After several feedbacks I'm thinkin going to 100% World (i.e. MSCI ACWI). Does that make more sense to you? Or maybe IShare MSCI World (80%) + EM (20%).
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    ETF composition Questions for Saving Plan

    @tumin0 I will check Flatex > How did you come to the point to replace EM with eu govies?? I'm aware that they can be complete opposite, but I'm considering both as low proportion of my ETF (like 10% or less).
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    How to invest during weak EUR, high inflation, and meek interest rate?

    @jeepneytravel Good point, but with deflating euro against usd the marking swing effect is compounded with currency loss. Is there better way to decouple those effect or you just turn a blind eye, have faith on historical data, and believe they will zero out?
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    ETF composition Questions for Saving Plan

    @robertharris I am checking flatex as of now. I assume low volume will make the spread prices higher. I think I will not get bond ETF for now and focus on 100% World :)