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  1. J

    50% of TSP participants are in the G Fund

    @rageagainstjoseph "Time in the market beats timing the market" - Idk someone smarter than me
  2. J

    50% of TSP participants are in the G Fund

    @feeling_alone I believe this information is from the Daily TSP app / website.
  3. J

    50% of TSP participants are in the G Fund

    @burl I believe all the life cycle funds are in the G Fund as well meaning that even if your in a life cycle find I think it still counts you in the G Fund, idk though the graph didn't really explain that.
  4. J

    50% of TSP participants are in the G Fund

    Link While the headline isn't that surprising, what is to me is that only 1% of participants are in the S Fund which is where I have most my money positioned. Does any of this surprise any of you?