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    [PENNSYLVANIA] Unemployment Outstanding Claims Issues

    @kitty219 Finally got everything approved. Took 12 weeks... gotta love red tape
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    [PENNSYLVANIA] Unemployment Outstanding Claims Issues

    @kitty219 Finally got things moving. After 11 weeks of radio silence, I decided to put in a legislative inquiry with my local state representative. After I did that, WITHIN THE HOUR I got a call back from the UC office that things were being escalated
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    [PENNSYLVANIA] Unemployment Outstanding Claims Issues

    @kitty219 Still stuck on fixing the school/training issue. I tried calling, but because it's not a 'simple issue' it needs an examiner to look at it
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    [PENNSYLVANIA] Unemployment Outstanding Claims Issues

    @hogstar So thankfully PA has a live chat function, so i was able to get right in with that. 4 of the 5 issues were solved. The missing wages was bc my work set a recall date for 3/15, but i wasnt recalled. the pension issues were based on my (very small) 401k with my last employer. The mismatch...
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    [PENNSYLVANIA] Unemployment Outstanding Claims Issues

    @hogstar OK. Thank you so much for your help. You've been a huge help. Thankfully I don't have class until 12 tomorrow so I know what my morning is going to be
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    [PENNSYLVANIA] Unemployment Outstanding Claims Issues

    @hogstar I was hired in july of 2022. My weekly unemployment is $217 I made over $5000 at the employer that kaid me off based on my w2 for the year of 2022. I'm not receiving any type of retirement plan and no pension fact finding was sent out. My last day working there was 2/11 (a saturday)...
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    [PENNSYLVANIA] Unemployment Outstanding Claims Issues

    @hogstar So this begs the question of where do I go from here? I don't recall selecting yes for the pension questions in the initial claim application Do I wait things out? Or do I try calling then and get things sorted on monday?
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    [PENNSYLVANIA] Unemployment Outstanding Claims Issues

    Hi, this is my first time with unemployment and dealing with it all. I was laid off from my prior Job due to lack of work (I have texts from my boss that back this up) in mid February. I worked part time in College, but still met the minimum hours needed to gain the credit weeks needed...