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  1. C

    Did some backtesting on what if we only buy when the market dips

    @soaring This is a step up SIP. SIP amount is increased by 5% every year. You can play around with the Google sheet attached. Make the increase 0%, you will have the regular SIP. Also, you can read the methodology in the substack article attached. Shameless plug - subscribe if you like it pls ;)
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    Did some backtesting on what if we only buy when the market dips

    @ynotstone Thanks! Will update.
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    Did some backtesting on what if we only buy when the market dips

    @justdeleteme Here you go. Did the same for BSE Smallcap (although the data avialblable is only for the last 20 years). SIP edges out here. SIP returned Rs. 9.8L and Buy the Dip returned Rs. 9.2L
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    Did some backtesting on what if we only buy when the market dips

    @budsmama Same here. When I started I thought SIP would eat this up and outperform by a huge margin. Pretty surprising it didn't.
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    Did some backtesting on what if we only buy when the market dips

    @blaise Fair point. When I set out, I assumed buying the dip won't beat SIP (just like most active strategies don't). I was surprised it matched SIP returns, so was impressed at the time. Second, many active investors won't stop here. The fact that it matches passive investing gives the idea...
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    Did some backtesting on what if we only buy when the market dips

    @holytheophany Absolutely. SIP is still the king. I just wanted to see does buying the dip has any merit.
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    Did some backtesting on what if we only buy when the market dips

    @pepperbites Absolutely. One more core concept that many believe in MF is mean reversion. Basically overperforming funds start to underperform eventually. And underperformers start to overperform. The reason many believe is overperforming MF start to get lots of funds from investors since they...
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    Did some backtesting on what if we only buy when the market dips

    @pepperbites That's interesting. You are betting on the underperforming fund to recover in the long term. It's the same I guess, instead of directly expecting market to recover, you are backing the MF to recover. The only risk is see is - sometimes the underperforming fund keeps on underperforming.
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    Did some backtesting on what if we only buy when the market dips

    @mommybiker Thank you! Your SIP date study is interesting. I would have guessed around 2-5% difference. Surprising it's less than 1%. Maybe the day might show a difference - SIP on the first Monday vis-a-vis on first Friday. Gotta test.
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    Did some backtesting on what if we only buy when the market dips

    @piripiri Around 15 instances. I have counted only instances, with each instance there is quite a long period of market staying low.
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    Did some backtesting on what if we only buy when the market dips

    @gvze Fair enough. As you said, it's the sideways market. Not sure when the smallcap will crash though.
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    Did some backtesting on what if we only buy when the market dips

    @gvze Buy the dip usually refers to when the price is down. But you raise an interesting point. What if we buy when the market is undervalued (in terms of PE valuation) and how it fares when compared to SIP.
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    Did some backtesting on what if we only buy when the market dips

    @mammabear7355 I agree, SIP is still the king. I am just surprised an active strategy like buying the dip went toe-to-toe with SIP.
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    Did some backtesting on what if we only buy when the market dips

    Hi, my insomnia brain wanted to test what if we buy only when the market crashes/dips. So I did some backtesting on the Nifty50 Index for the last 25 years. I compared two strategies - 1) SIP vs 2) Buy only if the price is less than 20% of market all-time-high. Which strategy do you think won...