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    Anyone here own a stupid car?

    @wanderlust87 Is that not mostly boy racers down from the North? Most of the cars seem to have northern license plates
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    Can I use AirBnB to pay my mortgage?

    @mmdia82 You need to declare and pay income tax on any AirBNB income, and it will be in addition to your normal income so at the marginal rate. If you rent out a room to someone you can avail of the rent-a-room-scheme, you can rent out up to €14k a year tax free. AirBNB is not included in the...
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    What is the end goal. What will you be happy with?

    @baboo Yes it is extreme. But when you look into the ability for higher earning PAYE earners in Ireland to build wealth to retire early, it is extreme vs other comparable countries
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    Would you invest in a ‘needs repair’ house as first time buyer?

    @sally1996 Are you sure it's damp/mould? A surveyor should be able to tell you that very easily as they have a little machine they hold up to the walls to detect it. Unless it smells really badly of damp, you can't tell from peeling wallpaper. I bought an old house under asking because no one...
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    What is the end goal. What will you be happy with?

    @baboo It's not about "purely numbers" though, when those numbers translate into whether you can retire at 55 or 70. That is a life changing decision. It's very difficult as a medium/high earner to figure out how to make your money work for you here. You have to weigh up if an extra 10-15 years...
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    What is the end goal. What will you be happy with?

    @baboo It's not that. It's a case of working in another country and building wealth to retire earlier and have a lovely financially secure retirement, or working until much older in Ireland. It's about quality of life.
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    31K in Debt - How can I climb out of this debt hole?

    @buzzard What is your concern about the credit register? There is no way you would be getting a mortgage anyway, and you can't currently get any more loans regardless. The important thing right now is to get out of this mess, and is MABs can help, the credit register is the lellast of your issue
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    Should I downgrade my car?

    @trevayne Either way, 25% of your gross salary in loans for hobbies is not good. You need to start saving for the things you want, instead of getting loans for them. Being able to deal with delayed gratification is one of the keys to a successful life...
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    31K in Debt - How can I climb out of this debt hole?

    @buzzard 3 steps to do today: (1) Stop gambling. Today. There is no bet that will get you out of this hole, no matter how much you convince yourself you can beat the system. The next one won't be the one, I guarantee. (2) Call MABS
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    My house purchase experience in 2023 with data on prices (asking vs sold) in South Dublin

    @sbrodhagen Very interesting, thank you. I did something similar back when I was looking in 2018. You really build up a view of what a house is actually "worth" (i.e. what it will ultimately go for) vs what it's advertised at. And you start to see which estate agents price fairly and which price...
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    Should I downgrade my car?

    @trevayne Car passion aside, you need to start learning to deal with delayed gratification, saving up for something you really want, instead of getting a loan. It makes absolutely no sense to have a loan for one car, not to mind 2. If you can afford to repay a loan, you can afford to save that...
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    Loan repayment bounced, seeking recourse

    @believe99 I don't believe that is true in Ireland at all. The absence of ever having any loans or credit cards isn't worse for your credit rating than having had them and paid them off. The only thing that will impact your creditworthiness is if you have missed loan payments. You can make your...
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    Loan repayment bounced, seeking recourse

    @believe99 In Ireland, your credit worthiness can only be reduced by not paying back loans, it doesn't get improved by taking out loans and credit cards then paying them back, like in the US.
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    Daft Asking price versus reality

    @sbrodhagen I did the same when I was looking to buy. I kept a spreadsheet of every house I saw, with comments from viewings, estate agent, advertised price, sale agreed price and final prices from the PPR. You start to see patterns with areas and also EA's who price correctly vs those who price...